Patient Educational Handouts
Did you know that about 75% of healthcare providers believe they communicate effectively with their patients? However, only 21% of patients feel the same way. So there is a disconnect somewhere.
As you know, effective doctor-patient communication is critical to the success of your practice — and, unlike a lot of other things, it is something you can control.
Healthcare decisions can be confusing and intimidating to most patients, and even a simple wellness checkup can be stressful. Usually, they are coming to you because something is wrong. Perhaps they aren’t feeling well. Or worse, it might be because of something more severe or life-threatening. But no matter the reason, they are stressed. So good communication is a big deal. When you poorly communicate — or they feel you’re poorly communicating — it amplifies that stress.
We can help bridge the communication gap, and an excellent first step is to educate your patients. One brilliant way is through patient educational handouts. Give them to your patients during visits or email them. Whether you use our pre-made handouts or have them custom-designed with your branding and your content, your patients will learn, and your communication will be more solid.
Here are some of the subjects for the current pre-made handout:
- Arthritis
- Brain Fog
- Chelation
- Fever
- Frankenheiser Therapy
- Functional Medicine
- Ginger Bath
- High-Dose Ozone
- Immune System
- Insufflation
- IV Therapy
- Magnesium
- Neural Therapy
- Ozone Joint Therapy
- Optimizing Health
- Parasites
- PEMF Therapy
- Procaine
- Supplements
- UBI Therapy
- Using Ozone
- Water Health
Contact Information
Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho
Phone: 208.757.0667
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